6 Toxic Air Conditioning Smells and What They Mean

rotten ac smells

Why does my AC smell? Your AC unit may need service or a little attention. When your central air conditioner smells bad, it’s never a good sign, and definitely not good for your health.

Even worse, some smells are toxic, and require urgent attention. It’s in your best interests for health reasons.

The air conditioning unit in your home is one of the most-used appliances, and it’s inconvenient and uncomfortable when it isn’t working properly. Fortunately, it’s pretty good about giving signs when it is in need of service.

One of the key things that many homeowners notice is bad aromas coming from the unit. An odor problem doesn’t necessarily mean that the repair will be expensive. It could be a dirty air filter or condensation which has created mold in the unit.

Potentially toxic smells coming from your air conditioning unit include:

Burning/Electrical Odors

Electrical odors could indicate a mechanical problem with your AC fan or compressor, wiring issues, or electrical component failure. Made with a variety of metals and chemicals, prolonged exposure to these fumes is not healthy.

The first few times the unit kicks on, it may emit a burning odor that can smell electrical and dusty, give it 20 to 30 minutes and see if the smell dissipates. If the smell does disappear, it probably was just the dust burning off and your system is operating normally.

If it continues, contact a professional HVAC technician in a timely manner to check out the problem and make repairs. An electrical odor typically is a problem within the motor or the wiring. Attempting to fix either of these items can result in severe injuries.

Gunpowder Smell

Cousin to ‘burning smells,’ a distinctive, gunpowder-like aroma may also be due to a fried circuit board or fan motor. With such smells posing similar dangers, it’s always a good idea to call for a professional inspection before running your system again.

Rotten Eggs

Provided there aren’t any rotten eggs in your home, the air conditioner smells of rotten eggs or sulfur most likely indicates a natural gas leak. Although on its own, natural gas is odorless, most utility providers add the aroma to alert people of a dangerous leak.

It's important to take this smell seriously as well as your health. If you smell a rotten-egg-like odor in your home, natural gas is likely the culprit, and immediate inspection is a must. While low-level exposure is not hazardous to your health, high levels reduce oxygen in the blood and can lead to loss of consciousness and death.

Gas is also highly flammable and explosive, resulting in dozens of deaths each year. If you notice this smell, open the windows to your home right away, get out of the house immediately, then call the gas company. The gas company will turn off your gas supply and inspect the leak.

rotten eggs ac smell

Exhaust Fumes

Even in systems not powered by gas, exhaust fumes can still result if fluids leak from essential components. To avoid a dangerous situation, have your system professionally assessed. Burning oil and other fluids can release large amounts of toxic gases, different in chemical makeup than in natural, liquid form. These particulates can be hazardous to your health, depleting oxygen and resulting in an array of health issues.

Chemical Aroma

If you think your air conditioner smells like paint thinner, formaldehyde, or other chemicals, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Many fluids are used within your air conditioning system that could result in an assortment of chemical odors with system malfunction, making prompt AC repair appointments advisable. You may need air conditioning services to rule out these different possibilities.

Musty Smell or Moldy Smell

Have you noticed that your air vent smells musty and/or certain parts of your home near a register smell musty? An air conditioner that smells like mildew or mold is probably the most common symptom of central HVAC systems. When the air conditioning is running, there is a lot of condensation within the unit from the cool air.

When the moisture doesn’t drain properly, it can escape into the ducts and create mold. Finding where the mold buildup is and getting it cleaned up will solve the problem. An HVAC repair technician has the knowledge to handle the problem and ensure that it doesn’t occur again, even if it requires plumbing services.

Note: Mold and mildew smells are not serious problems with the unit, but the poor air quality does increase the risk of respiratory infections in both children and adults. You can still use the unit while you’re waiting for repairs, but you shouldn’t put it off for the sake of your family’s health. We offer 100% customer satisfaction.

When troubleshooting the smell, use your other senses as well such as hearing and sight. Listen for any clunking or knocking coming from your unit or your duct work. Look for excess water on the ground or other liquids, which will be out of the normal.

Many times the smells, such as when your air vent smells musty, do not indicate immediate danger. Smells are often indicative that your system needs service. However, some smells, like rotten eggs or gas are more serious and can be hazardous to your health.

If you are experiencing an electrical, burning odor, or gas smell, turn off the unit and call your HVAC technician right away. A customer service HVAC repair technician can answer, "Why does my AC stink?" with an on-site evaluation and recommend solutions as well.

musty or moldy ac smell

AC Smell Prevention with Routine Maintenance

Annual maintenances are the best way to prevent AC smells and AC breakdowns. During your annual maintenance, our technicians performs a safety inspection as well.

The technician will look for faulty, wiring, loose or worn belts and general wear on the unit. They will inform you of any safety concerns that will need to be addressed right away. Your family's safety is our top priority!

By having an annual service, you have peace of mind that you’ve done what you can to make sure your central HVAC unit is ready for the seasons ahead.

Some of our heating and AC services include:

  • New Installation of Heating and AC systems

  • Programmable Thermostat installation

  • Air cleaners and air purifiers

  • Comfort systems for “Total Home Comfort”

  • Great techs and HVAC professionals

  • Ductless split systems and full heating and air systems.

  • HVAC maintenance and safety inspection

Contact us today for a free estimate.


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