Common Summer AC Problems and How to Prevent Them

Temperatures are rising, and homeowners worldwide are experiencing hotter summers than ever before.

When the heat gets unbearable, many of us look to our favorite modern marvel for comfort — our AC systems. 

The invention of central HVAC systems allows us to stay cool and comfortable indoors all summer. Even when it's blazing hot outside an HVAC unit with routine maintenance is a life saver. But what happens when you run into AC problems in the dead of summer or worse, your system breaks down completely? 

Common Summer AC Problems and How to Prevent Them

AC Maintenance Tips & Seasonal HVAC Care

If left unchecked, even harmless issues like strange noises and faulty thermostats can end up costing thousands in repairs. 

But fear not. All you need is a proactive mentality and a game plan to enjoy comfort all summer to cool your home.

Inadequate Cooling

So, is your AC is running, but no cold air flowing into specific rooms? It’s likely an issue of dirty filters, vent blockage, or leaks in your refrigerant. This is a common ac malfunction.

You can start by cleaning the filters (or replacing them if they’re past the point of no return). Check to make sure there isn’t any debris blocking your vents such as dust or pet hair. 

If the issue is a refrigerant leak, you may hear a slight hissing sound coming from your system. With a leak, you can’t simply top off your refrigerant. In this case, we recommend calling us at Miller's Heating and Air to schedule an appointment with an AC tech. During this visit for air conditioner troubleshooting, our tech would figure out where the leak is and how to fix it.

AC Constantly Running

If your AC bills seem higher than usual, it could be because your system is running continuously without cycling off. Not only is this bad for your wallet, but it can also place unnecessary stress on your AC unit. And as we all know, stress is the silent killer and of course, preventing ac breakdowns is so important.

This rapid, short cycling is often the result of a few different issues. These can include a defective thermostat, dirty condenser coils, or your home’s insulation. 

If the issue is your thermostat, you may want to consider whether or not you’re setting your system to a reasonable temperature to begin with. If it’s not a user error issue, consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat.

On the other hand, dirty condenser coils could be the issue, forcing your system to work harder to dissipate heat. We always recommend cleaning your coils at least twice yearly to keep them working at their best. 

However, if it's insulation in your house that isn’t adequate enough to retain cool air, your AC will keep running to compensate.

Make sure your home’s insulation is airtight by sealing gaps in your windows and doors and installing high-quality insulation in your attic and walls. This improves AC efficiency and lowers utility bills.

Water Leaks 

Watching water leak from your AC system is a scary sight. If unaddressed, that little trickle can turn into a pool of water, which can become a breeding ground for mold. 

Some of the main causes of AC water leaks include clogged drain lines, frozen evaporator coils, and poor system installation. 

Just as you’d inspect and replace your filters periodically, we recommend inspecting and cleaning your drain lines every so often to keep them free of blockage. 

For frozen evaporator coils or a poorly installed system, get in touch with a professional technician who can assess the issue and suggest the proper fix. 

Strange Noises

Is something going bump in the night?

That banging, clicking, and humming might sound like evil spirits in the house, it’s likely just your AC system on the fritz. Different sounds often entail different issues:

  • Screeching sounds are often caused by the compressor or fan

  • Banging and rattling sounds are usually due to loose components or debris

  • Buzzing sounds are typically the result of electrical issues

AC repair tips: Check for loose screws and bolts or broken fan blades. If everything seems to be in good shape, look for, sticks, dirt, and debris. These types of items may be caught in the system’s moving parts.

However, if you believe the sounds are the result of a bad motor, compressor, or electrical circuit, the fix is best left up to a professional technician. 

Uneven Cooling

Do you have one room that seems to stay hot, even when the rest of the house feels like an icebox? This could be a red flat for air conditioning issues.

It could be an insulation issue. This is where one room in your house might not share the same quality insulation as the other rooms. This would allow cool air to escape quickly from certain rooms. 

If insulation isn't the problem, check to see if a vent in a room is blocked. This could be a piece of furniture or debris in the vent itself. 

Luckily, these are fixes you can typically attack on your own. 

On the other hand, if the issue is that your AC unit is too small or large for your home, having a technician to check whether or not you’re using an appropriate unit based on your home’s square footage is the best course of action. 

High Energy Bills

It’s always a concern seeing huge spikes in your energy bills. This is why it is important to know the best home cooling solutions. Although, when it comes to your AC, it’s often one of three issues:

  • Your AC isn’t operating efficiently

  • Your home’s insulation is inadequate 

  • Your unit is getting old

To keep your AC running efficiently in the summer, it’s best to schedule regular maintenance throughout the year. This will ensure the insulation in your home is of the highest quality. If your AC unit has reached the end of its lifespan, you might need to consider an upgrade to a modern, energy-efficient system. 

Thermostat Issues

When your thermostat isn’t responding as it should or providing inaccurate readings, it could be causing your system to run inefficiently. 

While the fix could be as simple as swapping out a set of dead batteries, sometimes the issue stems from improper installation. If it’s the latter, get in touch with your local AC tech to have it properly installed. They can also help you determine if your thermostat is outdated and needs to be replaced by a modern programmable unit.


Summer brings with it beach trips, backyard BBQs, and at-home movie marathons, though it also brings the need for a functioning AC system. 

Avoiding the issues above means being proactive. Take simple steps to check your filters and clean your unit regularly. For more complicated tasks, schedule a professional tune-up or inspection with your local AC technician. You’ll be happy you did! 


Summer Energy Saving Tips for Lower Cooling Costs


HVAC Summer Maintenance: 8 Tips for Air Conditioning Care