Emergency AC Repair: What to Do When Your AC System Fails

During the summer, temperatures in the Pacific Northwest can range from the 80s to the 90s. If you don't have a working AC, it can be difficult to do your daily activities at home. Let’s be honest, if you work at home or have kids, you know how important (the comfort level) of your home is.

If your system is giving up at what might be the worst possible time, we have a few solutions for you. 

Recognizing the Signs of AC Failure

You don’t need to wait for your system to fail completely before you call a professional for repair. By keeping an eye on the signs ahead of time, you can save yourself money in the long run.

Some of the main signs of potential AC failure include:

  • Unusual noises

  • Weak airflow

  • Lack of cold air

  • Frequent cycling 

  • Water leaks

  • High indoor humidity

Air conditioners are complex pieces of machinery, which is why pinpointing an issue before it escalates is key. Even the smallest issues can be the catalyst for a domino effect and, if left untouched, can lead to a full system breakdown. 

Immediate Steps to Take When Your AC Fails

Knowing what steps to take when your AC unit fails is important.

For starters, you’ll want to turn it off to prevent any further damage. If you leave it running in a damaged state, you run the possible risk of overheating your system. From there, inspect the thermostat to confirm it’s functioning correctly. You can do so by switching between modes to see how it reacts and setting different temperatures to see if it’s consistent. 

If there aren’t any visible signs of damage and your AC still isn’t working, check your circuit breaker. This is to make sure it’s not tripped and you don't have an electrical problem. Tripped breakers can indicate more severe electrical issues, such as overloads. 

Troubleshooting Basic Issues

If you’re lucky, your non-functioning AC might be the result of a basic issue you can remedy yourself. 

Start by removing the air filter and look for any signs of damage, dirt, or wear and tear. Dirty filters can make a system too hot. It's best to replace your filter every 1-3 months if it's very dirty. 

After that, check the outside unit housing to ensure there is no debris like dirt, branches, or leaves. These can block airflow and make the unit work harder than needed. 

You can do the same for your vents and ducts. Blockages in your AC system can reduce efficiency, so be sure to inspect and clean these areas regularly. 

When to Call a Professional

While we’re all for the DIY mentality, certain parts of AC repair are best left to the professionals. If you’re dealing with the following issues, get in touch with your local AC repair for emergency service:

  • Unusual Noises: From clanking to buzzing and banging to squealing. A skilled AC technician can quickly identify and fix any strange noises coming from your air conditioner.

  • Electrical Issues: Never deal with electrical issues on your own, whether loose wires or a bad circuit breaker, it can be dangerous. 

  • Refrigerant Leaks: Leaks can damage your system’s compressor and cause inefficient cooling.

In an emergency, there’s no better way to get a quick and reliable repair than with a trusted heating and cooling company. 

Preventative Measures to Avoid Future AC Failures

An AC breakdown in the middle of summer can be a nightmare, though luckily, there are things you can do right now to minimize that chance.

Perhaps one of the best ways to prevent your AC system from failing is to opt in for annual or bi-annual hvac system maintenance checks. A skilled HVAC professional will check your air conditioning system during a routine appointment. They will perform any necessary maintenance on your cooling system to ensure it runs smoothly. 

Duct cleaning and sealing is another important preventative maintenance task. You can often get rid of dust, debris, or mold in your ducts with a brush or vacuum and seal off any leaks or hoes with foil tape.

If your system is getting older, we also recommend installing a smart thermostat to optimize your energy usage and start saving money. 

Why Choose Trusted Heating and Air Conditioning

If your AC needs maintenance or repairs, it's important to have a reliable technician. Trusted Heating and Air Conditioning is a good option for this. They can help with preventative maintenance and emergency repairs.

Having a reliable technician like them can ensure your AC stays in good working condition. We have been helping the Pacific Northwest for a long time. If you need repairs, maintenance, or installation, we can assist you. 


Taking action as soon as something goes wrong with your AC can save you from a complete system failure. Let a technician from Trusted Heating and Air Conditioning diagnose air conditioning problem and get it repaired immediately so you can enjoy a cooler, more comfortable summer. 

Don’t face an AC emergency alone. Schedule an emergency repair or consultation with us today.


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